What is ERS?

ERS stands for Enhanced Respite Services. These services provide short-term, community-based out-of-home respite for families as an alternative to using respite services in a residential setting. Many families who request ERS are raising children with complex behavioral support needs. ERS was developed to provide families and caregivers with a break in caregiving, while their child receives therapeutic support rooted in positive behavior support principles. Families continue to identify out-of-home respite as one of their greatest needs to continue to provide support in the family home.

Our Approch

Golden Youth Services provides a home like environment working on challenging behaviors and goals identified in our Short-Term Behavioral Support Plan. GYS incorporates community engagement and the youth’s interest in the program, while also providing a sensory room to meet many youths sensory needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

Enhanced Respite Services are designed to give DDA enrolled children and youth access to short term respite in a DDA contracted, and Division of Licensed Resources (DLR) licensed, staffed residential setting.

What is the length of a respite stay?

A child or youth may access Enhanced Respite Services a maximum of 30 days in a calendar year.

How many youth can you serve in this program?

GYS is currently licensed for 3 beds. We can serve 3 youth at time, depending on supports needs per youth.

What are the ratio requirements? (staff per youth)

Essential it’s 1:1 ratio (1 staff per 1 youth). But at times due to youth behaviors or needs, that may be adjusted, per DDA and GYS.

What is the process?

Once a case manager through DDA identifies a youth does qualify for ERS, then GYS reviews the packet. If all parties agree on dates, and services. Then GYS would move forward and schedule an introduction meeting, where this helps our Behavioral Consultant create the short-term Behavioral Support Plan, while also giving us information on the best supports, identifying goals for the stay, and likes and dislikes for the stay.

Additional Information